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5 Things to Consider When Applying for Scholarships

Fri, 07/21/2023 Angelitha Jayaraj
5 Things to Consider When Applying for Scholarships

Making the choice to study at a university is never a cheap one. Students often find themselves having to break the proverbial (and sometimes literal) bank to pay for the costs of a quality education – not to mention cover living expenses and accommodation. It’s no wonder scholarships are so highly-sought after.

With so many people scrambling to receive financial aid, there’s no doubt that competition will be steep. Hence, it’s paramount that students are thorough and thoughtful about their application. Here are some things to consider before you take the plunge into the scholarship application process:

1) Why do you want it?

Scholarships tend to be diverse in both nature and benefits. Some scholarships are partial and will only pay for a fraction of your tuition fee while others are specific to universities or organisations. If any of these limitations contradict your purposes or goals, you might want to start looking elsewhere for your financial aid.

2) What do you want to study?

Each scholarship body has its own plans for different disciplines of education. Every student will thus need to be clear on what they would like to study before seeking out scholarships.

3) Who will be providing the scholarship?

When you decide which course you want to take, you can use this information to hone in on a scholarship provider that will best suit your academic or career trajectory. For instance, if you’re keen on engineering, organisations like the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), Housing Development Board (HDB), Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), or a variety of other organisations can provide the scholarships you’ll need.

4) How will this scholarship help you grow?

Do you have a long or short-term professional goal? At this crucial stage in a student’s life, scholarships are a great way to gain a much-needed competitive edge, especially when you’re building your CV. Often, scholarship recipients will be offered internships, which enable students to familarise themselves with the workforce – and their designated organisation – prior to joining it.

5) Do you have all the relevant information at hand?

Applying for a scholarship can be a tedious process. You will need to be incredibly meticulous and thorough lest you miss out on any essential details. Ensure your application contains all the requested information and documents as missing links or data can negatively impact the impression you form.


Applying for scholarships is a crucial step in pursuing your academic dreams without being burdened by financial constraints. By carefully considering these five essential factors, you can significantly increase your chances of securing the scholarships that best suit your needs and aspirations.

Fortunately, BrightSparks plays host to a wealth of invaluable advice and resources for those who are seeking to further their academic journeys and apply for life-changing scholarships!


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