


Eng Zi Guang

Eng Zi Guang

Assistant Director, Gas System Department
EMA Overseas Scholar

The global and dynamic nature of the energy sector fascinated me from a young age. It is critical to the function of modern society while being intricately interconnected with many other systems - technology, economics, geopolitics - even the weather. Despite our lack of natural resources, Singapore has done an outstanding job over the years to ensure a reliable and secure energy supply domestically. This further fuelled my interest in contributing to advancing this feat.

I chose to apply for the EMA scholarship as it stemmed the agency's plans to develop Singapore's first Liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal. Beyond bolstering energy security, the terminal would enable Singapore to position itself as an LNG hub for the region, alongside its established petrochemicals industry. The prospect of contributing to this ambitious venture with EMA filled me with excitement and purpose. 

Keynes Tay

Keynes Tay

Undergraduate at London School of Economics and Political Science
EMA Overseas Scholar

My interest in economics first grew when I was studied it in Junior College. It seemed like a discipline which could help me understand the causes of things in the world. I was particularly fascinated by macroeconomics, which seemed immensely complex yet important in our understanding of economies. I read the book - The Return of Depression Economics by Paul Krugman, which deepened my understanding of economic crises and their cause. Ultimately, these factors culminated in me choosing economics as my discipline in university.​

Studying economics, emphasised the critical role in a country's macroeconomic stability. After further reading, I was made aware of the immense role EMA plays in ensuring Singapore's economic stability. Furthermore, I was also interested in the green transition and was excited by the opportunities that Singapore could seize in our transition towards Net Zero Emissions. I saw the convergence of energy and economics as an avenue to contribute meaningfully to Singapore, motivating my pursuit of the EMA scholarship.​
